The World of Tiers: Volume Two - Tor Publishing Group
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World of Tiers

The World of Tiers: Volume Two

Cover for the book titled as: The World of Tiers: Volume Two
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In one volume, here are the last three novels in the classic SF adventure series, The World of Tiers: Behind the Walls of Terra, The Lavalite World, and More Than Fire. These are the great originals of universe-hopping adventure that later writers, including Roger Zelazny in his Amber Series, used as models. Zelazny himself says,

“I admire his sense of humor and facility for selecting the perfect final sentence for everything he writes. He can be stark, dark, smoky, bright, and any color of the emotional spectrum…put quite simply, he arouses awe,” The tierworld books are full of non-stop action and typify Farmer’s boundless imagination. Who else would have thought of stacking up pocket universes like a ziggurat or the layers of a cake? Join Earthlings Robert Wolff and Paul Janus Finnigan (alias Kickaha) on an unforgettable adventure to big for any single world.

Book Details

  • Tor Books
  • On Sale: 11-15-1997
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